SPIRIT RIVER UV2 Large Eyed Guinea




Product Description

Our new strung large eye guinea2.5 to 4 inches is rare and awesome for larger steelhead, intruder and streamer patterns where you want to have a strong distinctive barring. This classic material is the finest quality and grade & very difficult to obtain so always keep them on hand.
Spirit River continues to lead the way in UV2 technology. We have used a double dye process to give all our unique UV2 materials and flies the added UVF/UVR ultraviolet wave lengths. We all know UV Florescence which is so common on everything from street signs to bass lures. UV Reflectence is a spectrum of wave lengths humans can not perceive yet is extremely common in the animal and insect world. UVR allows mayflies to find mates, and bees to find flowers. Many male birds and bugs have a strong natural UVR signature.
Check out my You-Tube tying videos with our UV2 products and thanks for supporting us and our dealers.