Covers spey techniques useful for all rods Casting techniques practical for everyday fishing situations
 -->Expert spey caster Simon Gawesworth shares casts adapted from two-handed spey casting that enable you to fish the challenging spots most anglers skip. Whether you’re a small-stream angler casting for tough trout or a saltwater fly fisher, Simon has refined spey casts for all one-handed rod needs: the single spey, double spey, snake roll, snap T, side cast, shepherd’s crook, reach cast, and aerial mends. Learn ways to cast a fly to cope with obstructions wherever you find them and whatever water you fish, making it possible for you to fish the waters that frustrate other anglers. |
About the Author: Simon Gawesworth has fished in world championships and has taught spey casting throughout the world. His first book, Spey Casting (978-0-8117-0268-3), introduced many to the two-handed rod. He writes for several fly-fishing magazines and produced the video International Spey Casting. He lives in Ammon, Idaho.
Review: Praise for Simon Gawesworth’s first book, Spey Casting
"Whether you simply want to know what all the spey-casting buzz is about, or want to become really proficient at spey casting, you need this book." -Fly Fisherman
"Simon Gawesworth’s Spey Casting . . . was one of the first books to combine clear explanation with good sequence photography." -California Fly Fisher |